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About business

The Business category provides a place to track and maintain key information pertaining to businesses that your client's own or are a partner in, like LLCs, LLPs, Corporations and more. Help them keep important data like formation dates, tax ids, formation documents, operating agreements and more at their fingertips.

Not only can you set up their businesses in the new Business category, but we’ve also upgraded other categories like Finance, Property, Taxes and Insurance to allow you to link items, like bank accounts and credit cards, directly to a business.

Adding your first business

Many of the templates have similar components. Trusts are an exception and will be discussed later. For this example, let’s add an LLC.

To add an LLC:

  • Click the Business category in your left hand navigation.

  • Click the Add more + button in the top right.

  • Choose LLC from the following template options.

    • Corporation

    • LLC

    • Trust

    • LLP

    • General Partnership

    • Sole Proprietorship

    • Other Corporation

  • Update the business name.

    • Click the Edit icon in the top right

    • Type your new LLC name and Save.

  • Add a Jurisdiction.

    • Select the country and state (if required) to specify in what tax jurisdiction this business was formed.

    • If this business has a headquarters, click the Has a headquarters checkbox and specify the address.

  • Add a Formation date.

    • This represents the date this business was formed.

  • Add a Tax ID

    • Most businesses have some sort of identification number for tax purposes.

    • This field contains added security to redact this information in your interface.

  • Add Shareholders & Owners

    • Track client's family members, contacts or other businesses that hold shares or ownership in the business.

    • Use the shareholder dropdown to search for and select a shareholder.

      • This list contains all of their Family IDs, Contacts and Businesses set up in Trustworthy. If you can’t find the option you’re looking for, you must first add it to the respective area in Trustworthy before linking it as a shareholder.

    • If needed, specify their ownership stake in either percent, total shares or share value.

    • Click Add more + to add additional shareholders.

    • When saved, your shareholders display in a table.

  • Add files such as Formation Documents and Ownership Agreements.

    • Drag and drop files or browse to upload from your computer.

    • You can add many files at once.

    • Once you’re done uploading, click Save.

Linking finance, taxes, property and insurance items

A business can have several relationships between other items in Trustworthy. For example, in the Finance category your clients may have bank accounts, credit cards or loans that relate to a business. They may also have tax filings for a business in the Taxes category, as well as business owned real estate, vehicles and valuables in the Property category. A business can also hold insurance policies stored in your Insurance category. The Business category lets you connect those items and view them inside each business.

  • Next to Finance, Taxes, Property or Insurance, click the Add + link.

  • Select the items you wish to link, then click Save.

  • Linked items from Finance, Taxes, Property and Insurance display in tables as part of your business.

  • You can edit these lists by clicking the ⋮ menu in the top right corner of each of these linking tables.

Alternatively, you can also form a link between Finance, Taxes, Property or Insurance via those category pages as well.

  • Using Taxes as an example, go to your Taxes category, click on an existing tax filing or create a new one.

  • In the Taxpayer section click Add +.

  • Below the list of Family IDs, click the Add someone else+ link.

  • In the Select taxpayer drawdown, search for and select your business to which this tax return applies, then click Save.

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© 2024 Trustworthy Company

© 2024 Trustworthy Company