Secure Links


Optional: Listen to the audio as you follow along on the screen.


Optional: Listen to the audio as you follow along on the screen.


Optional: Listen to the audio as you follow along on the screen.

Secure sharing makes sharing important information simpler and safer. Trustworthy members can now share their important files in a secure way — with complete control over who has access and for how long. 

Key highlights to secure sharing

  • Simplified document sharing means no more hunting and searching files and email for important attachments.

  • Secure links automatically expire based on the selection. The document can be available for an hour, a day, a week, or a month.

  • Clients can share their documents with trusted people — like you, their accountant, lawyer, doctor, and other trusted people and professionals.

  • After sharing the link, they’ll receive custom alerts and notifications when files have been accessed and when they’ve expired.

  • Your clients control access and permissions to invite or revoke access in account settings at any time.

  • The recipient of a shared link can view, download or print the attachment on a web browser without logging into a Trustworthy account or downloading the mobile app.

Follow the steps below to send a secure link:

  1. Find a document on the Details page. It can be in a Details block or in the Additional Files section.

  2. Click the document.

  3. Click the blue link icon.

  4. Follow the modal steps to share the document with a trusted individual. 

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© 2024 Trustworthy Company