Security Overview & Objectives


Optional: Listen to the audio as you follow along on the screen.


Optional: Listen to the audio as you follow along on the screen.


Optional: Listen to the audio as you follow along on the screen.

Welcome to world class security & privacy training

At Trustworthy, we believe that world-class security is the foundation of our Family Operating System®. We are committed to protecting our members from breaches and other security threats, and we work tirelessly to keep their information safe at all times.

This course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills to become a champion of security for your clients. You will learn how to explain, in easy-to-understand language, how Trustworthy goes above and beyond traditional security measures to protect member data. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the various privacy and security standards that Trustworthy abides by. You will also learn about the cutting-edge technologies we use to protect client information.

But more than just technical knowledge, this course will inspire you to become a champion of privacy and security for your clients. We hope that you will feel empowered to be that champion for your clients and that you will go forth and make the world a safer place.

Training objectives

By the end of this training guide, you will be able to...

  • Explain Trustworthy's world-class security measures to clients in simple terms.

  • Protect user data through the core tenets of private, protected, and yours.

  • Identifying Personally Identifiable Information (PII), understanding why it's important, and following best practices to protect client data from potential harm.

© 2024 Trustworthy Company

© 2024 Trustworthy Company

© 2024 Trustworthy Company