Tile Level Access


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Optional: Listen to the audio as you follow along on the screen.


Optional: Listen to the audio as you follow along on the screen.

About Tile Level Access

With Trustworthy, collaboration just got much more powerful! Users can now share individual tiles with any collaborator, ensuring heightened privacy control over their valuable data.

At Trustworthy, we understand that collaboration extends beyond broad categories like Legal or Finance. It dives into the granular level of individual tiles – the bank accounts or legal documents within these categories. While previously you could restrict access to an entire category, now, with tile-level access, you hold the reins for precise control.

Add an existing collaborator to a single tile

Let’s say your daughter Emily has just gone away to college. You want to make sure she always has access to her credit card info stored securely via Trustworthy. She’s already a collaborator in other categories in Trustworthy but doesn’t have access to your Finance category where the credit card information is.

To do this, navigate to your Finance category and click the three dots menu ⋮ on the credit card tile for Emily and select Manage access.

The Manage access screen appears where you can grant existing collaborators access to this tile, invite brand new collaborators, as well as review who currently has access to it.

To grant access to Emily, start typing her name in the Enter name or email field. This will search through existing collaborators, as well as other contacts that are saved in your Contacts category. Click her name, then click the Add button. This adds Emily to the list of collaborators with whom this tile is shared. You can repeat this to add more collaborators, or just click the X in the top right to close this screen.

Invite a brand new collaborator to a tile

Even when someone isn’t a current collaborator in Trustworthy, you can still invite them to collaborate on an individual tile. Let’s say for example, you want to invite your new tax accountant to a 2023 tax return tile in your taxes category.

To do this, navigate to your Taxes category and click the three dots menu ⋮ on the tax return and select Manage access.

The Manage access screen appears. In the Enter name or email field, type their email address. Click on the invite drop down, input their first and last name where prompted and then click the Invite button. An email invite gets sent to your tax accountant inviting them to collaborate in Trustworthy, and they’ll be granted access only to the specific tile they were added to.

Grant access to many tiles across many categories

The steps mentioned earlier are great for sharing individual tiles, but in circumstances where you need to grant access to many tiles, there’s a better way.

Let’s say your daughter Emily needs access to a bank account, a credit card, a vehicle, the car loan details and the associated auto insurance. The best way to do this is in the Manage access page.

To do this, click on your profile icon in the top right, then select Manage access. Look for Emily's collaborator record then click the three dots menu ⋮ to the right and select Details.

In the drawer that opens on the right, choose Select tiles for each category, then select the specific tiles to grant access to. Click the Save button at the bottom once you’re done. 

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© 2024 Trustworthy Company

© 2024 Trustworthy Company