Additional Updates: v.13
Check out the redesigned wizards and details pages for better organization and access to your information — copy, paste, or share right from the dashboard.
Drag-and-drop multiple files into your Trustworthy tiles to easily migrate and organize your information from your desktop, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or another digital account. Hundreds of financial institutions, student loan creditors, credit cards, and loan providers were added for personalization and faster contact and login within the dashboard.
Passport renewal dates now begin 9 months before your expiration due date. Trustworthy identified extended administration processing times in multiple countries and updated our database to reflect this.
Driver’s license renewal dates now begin 120 days before your expiration date due to increased lead times Trustworthy has identified from various states’ DMV websites.
Bugs Fixed:
Some customers were receiving multiple weekly action emails. It’s fixed now.
Trustworthy is an online service providing legal forms and information. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice.