Family Archive

Prepare Your Memories for Wildfire Season Now

Ellen’s story is becoming more and more common these days. Fall has become wildfire season, and the task of organizing family memories sits on the backburner until it’s too late.

I have a feeling our family’s story will become more common over the next few years. 

This fall (aka fire season), we lost our home due to the California wildfires. The fire took everything — the roof over our heads, our two cars, cardboard boxes of family photos, passports, our insurance documents, generations-old jewelry, favorite stuffed animals, our kids’ artwork — the list doesn’t end.

This summer before the fires started, I cleaned and organized the basement. I took photos of various family artifacts to share with my parents and kids. I’m so thankful I have those 15 or 20 photos. I’ve already added them to Trustworthy. 

We’re still picking up the pieces months later. Maybe we’ll have our lives back to normal-ish a year from now. Who knows.

This winter I signed our family up for Trustworthy so that we can start saving documents and family memories digitally. I never want to go through this process again. 

If it’s important, it’s in Trustworthy.

Trustworthy is an online service providing legal forms and information. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice.