Estate Planning

Can I Change My Power of Attorney Without A Lawyer?

Can I Change My Power of Attorney Without A Lawyer?
Trustworthy icon

Ty McDuffey

Apr 15, 2023

When you grant someone power of attorney, you give them legal authority to make decisions on your behalf. This can include making decisions about your finances, healthcare, and other important legal matters. 

However, as circumstances change and relationships evolve, you may need to revoke or modify the power of attorney you have granted. This may leave you wondering whether you need to hire a lawyer to help you make these changes or whether you can do it yourself.

It is possible to change your power of attorney without the help of a lawyer. However, it is important to understand the legal requirements before making these changes and to ensure that the new power of attorney document is legally binding.

In this post, we will explore the ins and outs of changing your power of attorney and whether or not your situation calls for involving a lawyer in the process.

Key Takeaways:

  • A power of attorney can be changed without the help of a lawyer, but it is important to understand the legal requirements for making these changes and to ensure that the new power of attorney document is legally binding.

  • Some reasons you may wish to amend or terminate a power of attorney include changes in life circumstances, a breakdown in the relationship with the current attorney, or the death of the appointee.

  • Changing a power of attorney involves notifying the person who presently has power of attorney, making a written record of the modification, including all necessary wording, notarizing and, if required, recording the document, and notifying all parties involved.

When Should a Power of Attorney Be Changed or Revoked?

Man signing paperwork

There are various reasons why you may wish to amend or terminate a power of attorney, including:

You Don't Have a Relationship with Your Present Power of Attorney

If your relationship with your current agent has changed and you no longer trust them to work in your best interests, you might consider appointing a new one.

Life Changes

You can't predict what the remainder of your life will bring while you're making your estate plan

You may give birth to twins, start a company, or start contributing to a cause you believe in. All of these factors might result in an update to your power of attorney. 

Here are some frequent life-changing scenarios in which you might consider an update to your POA: 

  • You've just married and want to appoint your spouse as your agent.

  • You and your ex-spouse have divorced or separated.

  • Your child has shown to be quite trustworthy and is eager to take on responsibilities.

  • Your state's laws have changed, which affects the legitimacy of your power of attorney document.

Your Current Attorney is No Longer Qualified

Your lifestyle, financial circumstances, or health may change, and you may discover that your attorney is no longer qualified to handle your affairs. 

For instance, if the complexity of business decisions has risen from basic to exceedingly complicated, your power of attorney may no longer be qualified to make the difficult financial judgments that your company requires.

Your Designee is Unavailable

If your designee travels often or no longer resides in your area, this is a solid basis to withdraw their privileges and designate a new attorney.

Your Appointee Dies

You'll need a new appointee if your existing one dies. If you have several appointees and one of them passes away, you may need to appoint a replacement or terminate the power of attorney contract entirely.

How to Make a Power of Attorney Change

Man stamping a document

Changing a power of attorney normally involves these five major steps:

Step #1: Notify the Person Who Presently Has Power of Attorney

If you want to make changes, tell your current power of attorney as soon as possible. 

This is especially important if you are decreasing or removing their authority. Tell them to stop acting immediately and make them aware of the changes to your power of attorney. 

You can also use this opportunity to discuss your new power of attorney conditions and how to implement modifications you make.

Step #2: Make a Written Record of the Modification

A power of attorney may only be changed or revoked in writing. 

Some states require a particular form for power of attorney modifications. These forms can be found on your state or municipal websites. 

In other states, you can prepare a short letter to your power of attorney since any written notification will suffice. 

In any case, be sure to write out the modifications you're making. This is true whether you are changing the scope of your existing assignment or terminating it entirely.

In theory, issuing a new power of attorney to a third party cancels any previous and overlapping assignments, but you shouldn't depend on this. Even if you appoint a new power of attorney, take care to revise or terminate any existing ones to avoid legal issues down the road. 

Step #3: Include All Necessary Wording

Some states have precise standards for what language must be included in a power of attorney modification or revocation. 

This typically includes your name, the name of your power of attorney, the date the modification or revocation takes effect, and, in certain cases, the date the prior power of attorney took effect.

If you are unclear of your state's criteria, consider drafting a blanket revocation. 

This would include your name, the recipient's name, the date the revocation takes effect, and wording stating that you are withdrawing any and all current power of attorney assignments. 

Some states will accept language like: "As of May 1, I, Ty McDuffey, withdraw any and all current power of attorney assignments held by Jane Doe."

If you are unsure about your state's power of attorney transfer laws, an attorney in your state can answer your questions, and it would be advisable to speak with one. 

Step #4: Notarize and, if Required, Record the Document

In general, you should get your paper notarized. 

This aspect of the process costs money, but it is an essential prerequisite for a transfer or revocation. 

To update your power of attorney, you must get the paperwork notarized in the same manner as you did the original power of attorney document. 

Register the document changing or canceling your power of attorney with any municipal agency or registrar you recorded the original. 

Notarizing your revocation will provide evidence for the court in the chance that an angry relative or friend challenges your power of attorney revocation. 

Step #5: Notify All Parties Involved

Finally, you should tell anybody with a reason to be aware of your power of attorney arrangement. 

Reach out to everyone who may routinely work with your power of attorney or who should be aware that this grant of authority has expired or altered. While this step is not legally required, it may save you time and confusion later on.

What Types of Tasks May I Delegate to My New Agent?

Two people signing documents

You may delegate authority to an agent to:

  1. Purchase or sell items on your behalf; 

  2. Apply for public benefits (such as Medicaid, Medicare, or Social Security); 

  3. Manage your company; 

  4. Collect debts; 

  5. Invest your money; 

  6. Cash checks; or 

  7. Litigate on your behalf.

In your new power of attorney paperwork, you must indicate what powers you are granting to your agent and when those powers will take effect.

While a lawyer may not be required to delegate tasks to an agent in a power of attorney document, it can be beneficial to involve a lawyer to ensure that the document is legally valid and that the powers being delegated are appropriate and in the best interest of the principal.

Is it Necessary to Specify Each Authority Granted?

For many purposes, broad wording granting an agent "full powers" to handle your financial affairs or make health care choices may suffice. 

However, certain abilities are only granted if they are clearly specified. 

Those that deserve special note are:

  • The authority to make gifts of money or other property; 

  • The authority to alter your community property agreement; and 

  • The authority to name beneficiaries on your insurance policies.

An agent cannot be granted certain capabilities. These are some examples:

  • The ability to vote in public elections; and 

  • The ability to establish or change a will.

Specifically approved powers may be particularly consequential for married couples who are worried about what would happen if one of their spouses got sick and required nursing home care or other long-term care. 

The ability to transfer property from the handicapped spouse to the healthy spouse may be required for Medicaid eligibility.

Giving an agent extensive authority to make gifts of your property, on the other hand, may result in major complications if the agent turns out to be untrustworthy or imprudent. 

You should consult with a lawyer if you have any questions concerning these matters.

When and for How Long Does My New Power of Attorney Last?

Lawyer at her desk

A power of attorney might be drafted to take effect immediately upon signing or to take effect later.

The future time may be an exact date, or it may be determined by the occurrence of an event, such as your doctor's determination that you are unable to make choices on your own.

A power of attorney may be drafted to continue for a certain amount of time or forever, but when you die, your power of attorney expires. It is not a replacement for your will. 

Although it may not be necessary to necessary to involve a lawyer to determine when and for how long a power of attorney lasts, an attorney can provide advice on the appropriate time for your power of attorney to take effect and how long it should last, taking into account your specific circumstances or considerations.

Related: How To Get Power of Attorney For A Deceased Person?

Modifying the Power of Attorney When the Principal is Unable to Do So

If the principal is incompetent and the agent is unavailable, abusing the principal, or has resigned, the family must ask the court to appoint a guardian or conservator. The court will next consider if the principal needs a guardian.

Guardianship may also be invoked if an agent has failed to act in the principal's best interests and you, as the principal's friend or family member, want to invalidate the POA. 

Although the principal may realize what is going on, their present agent may leave them powerless. If the court approves, be prepared to act as guardian or agent.

When the principal cannot change their power of attorney themselves, it may be necessary to involve a lawyer to ensure that the process is carried out legally and ethically. This is particularly important when there may be concerns about undue influence or coercion.

Protect your Power of Attorney Document

If you are creating your own power of attorney paperwork, it is a good idea to send copies of it and the updated revocation notice to family and friends. 

With Trustworthy, you can securely save the new document on the cloud and share it with your family to avoid future complications. 

Estate documents in Trustworthy

The more people are aware of your revocation and new power of attorney, the less likely it will be challenged in court.

Save your family time and money by ensuring they can access your new power of attorney. Start a free 14-day trial with Trustworthy today

Estate Planning

Can I Change My Power of Attorney Without A Lawyer?

Can I Change My Power of Attorney Without A Lawyer?
Trustworthy icon

Ty McDuffey

Apr 15, 2023

When you grant someone power of attorney, you give them legal authority to make decisions on your behalf. This can include making decisions about your finances, healthcare, and other important legal matters. 

However, as circumstances change and relationships evolve, you may need to revoke or modify the power of attorney you have granted. This may leave you wondering whether you need to hire a lawyer to help you make these changes or whether you can do it yourself.

It is possible to change your power of attorney without the help of a lawyer. However, it is important to understand the legal requirements before making these changes and to ensure that the new power of attorney document is legally binding.

In this post, we will explore the ins and outs of changing your power of attorney and whether or not your situation calls for involving a lawyer in the process.

Key Takeaways:

  • A power of attorney can be changed without the help of a lawyer, but it is important to understand the legal requirements for making these changes and to ensure that the new power of attorney document is legally binding.

  • Some reasons you may wish to amend or terminate a power of attorney include changes in life circumstances, a breakdown in the relationship with the current attorney, or the death of the appointee.

  • Changing a power of attorney involves notifying the person who presently has power of attorney, making a written record of the modification, including all necessary wording, notarizing and, if required, recording the document, and notifying all parties involved.

When Should a Power of Attorney Be Changed or Revoked?

Man signing paperwork

There are various reasons why you may wish to amend or terminate a power of attorney, including:

You Don't Have a Relationship with Your Present Power of Attorney

If your relationship with your current agent has changed and you no longer trust them to work in your best interests, you might consider appointing a new one.

Life Changes

You can't predict what the remainder of your life will bring while you're making your estate plan

You may give birth to twins, start a company, or start contributing to a cause you believe in. All of these factors might result in an update to your power of attorney. 

Here are some frequent life-changing scenarios in which you might consider an update to your POA: 

  • You've just married and want to appoint your spouse as your agent.

  • You and your ex-spouse have divorced or separated.

  • Your child has shown to be quite trustworthy and is eager to take on responsibilities.

  • Your state's laws have changed, which affects the legitimacy of your power of attorney document.

Your Current Attorney is No Longer Qualified

Your lifestyle, financial circumstances, or health may change, and you may discover that your attorney is no longer qualified to handle your affairs. 

For instance, if the complexity of business decisions has risen from basic to exceedingly complicated, your power of attorney may no longer be qualified to make the difficult financial judgments that your company requires.

Your Designee is Unavailable

If your designee travels often or no longer resides in your area, this is a solid basis to withdraw their privileges and designate a new attorney.

Your Appointee Dies

You'll need a new appointee if your existing one dies. If you have several appointees and one of them passes away, you may need to appoint a replacement or terminate the power of attorney contract entirely.

How to Make a Power of Attorney Change

Man stamping a document

Changing a power of attorney normally involves these five major steps:

Step #1: Notify the Person Who Presently Has Power of Attorney

If you want to make changes, tell your current power of attorney as soon as possible. 

This is especially important if you are decreasing or removing their authority. Tell them to stop acting immediately and make them aware of the changes to your power of attorney. 

You can also use this opportunity to discuss your new power of attorney conditions and how to implement modifications you make.

Step #2: Make a Written Record of the Modification

A power of attorney may only be changed or revoked in writing. 

Some states require a particular form for power of attorney modifications. These forms can be found on your state or municipal websites. 

In other states, you can prepare a short letter to your power of attorney since any written notification will suffice. 

In any case, be sure to write out the modifications you're making. This is true whether you are changing the scope of your existing assignment or terminating it entirely.

In theory, issuing a new power of attorney to a third party cancels any previous and overlapping assignments, but you shouldn't depend on this. Even if you appoint a new power of attorney, take care to revise or terminate any existing ones to avoid legal issues down the road. 

Step #3: Include All Necessary Wording

Some states have precise standards for what language must be included in a power of attorney modification or revocation. 

This typically includes your name, the name of your power of attorney, the date the modification or revocation takes effect, and, in certain cases, the date the prior power of attorney took effect.

If you are unclear of your state's criteria, consider drafting a blanket revocation. 

This would include your name, the recipient's name, the date the revocation takes effect, and wording stating that you are withdrawing any and all current power of attorney assignments. 

Some states will accept language like: "As of May 1, I, Ty McDuffey, withdraw any and all current power of attorney assignments held by Jane Doe."

If you are unsure about your state's power of attorney transfer laws, an attorney in your state can answer your questions, and it would be advisable to speak with one. 

Step #4: Notarize and, if Required, Record the Document

In general, you should get your paper notarized. 

This aspect of the process costs money, but it is an essential prerequisite for a transfer or revocation. 

To update your power of attorney, you must get the paperwork notarized in the same manner as you did the original power of attorney document. 

Register the document changing or canceling your power of attorney with any municipal agency or registrar you recorded the original. 

Notarizing your revocation will provide evidence for the court in the chance that an angry relative or friend challenges your power of attorney revocation. 

Step #5: Notify All Parties Involved

Finally, you should tell anybody with a reason to be aware of your power of attorney arrangement. 

Reach out to everyone who may routinely work with your power of attorney or who should be aware that this grant of authority has expired or altered. While this step is not legally required, it may save you time and confusion later on.

What Types of Tasks May I Delegate to My New Agent?

Two people signing documents

You may delegate authority to an agent to:

  1. Purchase or sell items on your behalf; 

  2. Apply for public benefits (such as Medicaid, Medicare, or Social Security); 

  3. Manage your company; 

  4. Collect debts; 

  5. Invest your money; 

  6. Cash checks; or 

  7. Litigate on your behalf.

In your new power of attorney paperwork, you must indicate what powers you are granting to your agent and when those powers will take effect.

While a lawyer may not be required to delegate tasks to an agent in a power of attorney document, it can be beneficial to involve a lawyer to ensure that the document is legally valid and that the powers being delegated are appropriate and in the best interest of the principal.

Is it Necessary to Specify Each Authority Granted?

For many purposes, broad wording granting an agent "full powers" to handle your financial affairs or make health care choices may suffice. 

However, certain abilities are only granted if they are clearly specified. 

Those that deserve special note are:

  • The authority to make gifts of money or other property; 

  • The authority to alter your community property agreement; and 

  • The authority to name beneficiaries on your insurance policies.

An agent cannot be granted certain capabilities. These are some examples:

  • The ability to vote in public elections; and 

  • The ability to establish or change a will.

Specifically approved powers may be particularly consequential for married couples who are worried about what would happen if one of their spouses got sick and required nursing home care or other long-term care. 

The ability to transfer property from the handicapped spouse to the healthy spouse may be required for Medicaid eligibility.

Giving an agent extensive authority to make gifts of your property, on the other hand, may result in major complications if the agent turns out to be untrustworthy or imprudent. 

You should consult with a lawyer if you have any questions concerning these matters.

When and for How Long Does My New Power of Attorney Last?

Lawyer at her desk

A power of attorney might be drafted to take effect immediately upon signing or to take effect later.

The future time may be an exact date, or it may be determined by the occurrence of an event, such as your doctor's determination that you are unable to make choices on your own.

A power of attorney may be drafted to continue for a certain amount of time or forever, but when you die, your power of attorney expires. It is not a replacement for your will. 

Although it may not be necessary to necessary to involve a lawyer to determine when and for how long a power of attorney lasts, an attorney can provide advice on the appropriate time for your power of attorney to take effect and how long it should last, taking into account your specific circumstances or considerations.

Related: How To Get Power of Attorney For A Deceased Person?

Modifying the Power of Attorney When the Principal is Unable to Do So

If the principal is incompetent and the agent is unavailable, abusing the principal, or has resigned, the family must ask the court to appoint a guardian or conservator. The court will next consider if the principal needs a guardian.

Guardianship may also be invoked if an agent has failed to act in the principal's best interests and you, as the principal's friend or family member, want to invalidate the POA. 

Although the principal may realize what is going on, their present agent may leave them powerless. If the court approves, be prepared to act as guardian or agent.

When the principal cannot change their power of attorney themselves, it may be necessary to involve a lawyer to ensure that the process is carried out legally and ethically. This is particularly important when there may be concerns about undue influence or coercion.

Protect your Power of Attorney Document

If you are creating your own power of attorney paperwork, it is a good idea to send copies of it and the updated revocation notice to family and friends. 

With Trustworthy, you can securely save the new document on the cloud and share it with your family to avoid future complications. 

Estate documents in Trustworthy

The more people are aware of your revocation and new power of attorney, the less likely it will be challenged in court.

Save your family time and money by ensuring they can access your new power of attorney. Start a free 14-day trial with Trustworthy today

Estate Planning

Can I Change My Power of Attorney Without A Lawyer?

Can I Change My Power of Attorney Without A Lawyer?
Trustworthy icon

Ty McDuffey

Apr 15, 2023

When you grant someone power of attorney, you give them legal authority to make decisions on your behalf. This can include making decisions about your finances, healthcare, and other important legal matters. 

However, as circumstances change and relationships evolve, you may need to revoke or modify the power of attorney you have granted. This may leave you wondering whether you need to hire a lawyer to help you make these changes or whether you can do it yourself.

It is possible to change your power of attorney without the help of a lawyer. However, it is important to understand the legal requirements before making these changes and to ensure that the new power of attorney document is legally binding.

In this post, we will explore the ins and outs of changing your power of attorney and whether or not your situation calls for involving a lawyer in the process.

Key Takeaways:

  • A power of attorney can be changed without the help of a lawyer, but it is important to understand the legal requirements for making these changes and to ensure that the new power of attorney document is legally binding.

  • Some reasons you may wish to amend or terminate a power of attorney include changes in life circumstances, a breakdown in the relationship with the current attorney, or the death of the appointee.

  • Changing a power of attorney involves notifying the person who presently has power of attorney, making a written record of the modification, including all necessary wording, notarizing and, if required, recording the document, and notifying all parties involved.

When Should a Power of Attorney Be Changed or Revoked?

Man signing paperwork

There are various reasons why you may wish to amend or terminate a power of attorney, including:

You Don't Have a Relationship with Your Present Power of Attorney

If your relationship with your current agent has changed and you no longer trust them to work in your best interests, you might consider appointing a new one.

Life Changes

You can't predict what the remainder of your life will bring while you're making your estate plan

You may give birth to twins, start a company, or start contributing to a cause you believe in. All of these factors might result in an update to your power of attorney. 

Here are some frequent life-changing scenarios in which you might consider an update to your POA: 

  • You've just married and want to appoint your spouse as your agent.

  • You and your ex-spouse have divorced or separated.

  • Your child has shown to be quite trustworthy and is eager to take on responsibilities.

  • Your state's laws have changed, which affects the legitimacy of your power of attorney document.

Your Current Attorney is No Longer Qualified

Your lifestyle, financial circumstances, or health may change, and you may discover that your attorney is no longer qualified to handle your affairs. 

For instance, if the complexity of business decisions has risen from basic to exceedingly complicated, your power of attorney may no longer be qualified to make the difficult financial judgments that your company requires.

Your Designee is Unavailable

If your designee travels often or no longer resides in your area, this is a solid basis to withdraw their privileges and designate a new attorney.

Your Appointee Dies

You'll need a new appointee if your existing one dies. If you have several appointees and one of them passes away, you may need to appoint a replacement or terminate the power of attorney contract entirely.

How to Make a Power of Attorney Change

Man stamping a document

Changing a power of attorney normally involves these five major steps:

Step #1: Notify the Person Who Presently Has Power of Attorney

If you want to make changes, tell your current power of attorney as soon as possible. 

This is especially important if you are decreasing or removing their authority. Tell them to stop acting immediately and make them aware of the changes to your power of attorney. 

You can also use this opportunity to discuss your new power of attorney conditions and how to implement modifications you make.

Step #2: Make a Written Record of the Modification

A power of attorney may only be changed or revoked in writing. 

Some states require a particular form for power of attorney modifications. These forms can be found on your state or municipal websites. 

In other states, you can prepare a short letter to your power of attorney since any written notification will suffice. 

In any case, be sure to write out the modifications you're making. This is true whether you are changing the scope of your existing assignment or terminating it entirely.

In theory, issuing a new power of attorney to a third party cancels any previous and overlapping assignments, but you shouldn't depend on this. Even if you appoint a new power of attorney, take care to revise or terminate any existing ones to avoid legal issues down the road. 

Step #3: Include All Necessary Wording

Some states have precise standards for what language must be included in a power of attorney modification or revocation. 

This typically includes your name, the name of your power of attorney, the date the modification or revocation takes effect, and, in certain cases, the date the prior power of attorney took effect.

If you are unclear of your state's criteria, consider drafting a blanket revocation. 

This would include your name, the recipient's name, the date the revocation takes effect, and wording stating that you are withdrawing any and all current power of attorney assignments. 

Some states will accept language like: "As of May 1, I, Ty McDuffey, withdraw any and all current power of attorney assignments held by Jane Doe."

If you are unsure about your state's power of attorney transfer laws, an attorney in your state can answer your questions, and it would be advisable to speak with one. 

Step #4: Notarize and, if Required, Record the Document

In general, you should get your paper notarized. 

This aspect of the process costs money, but it is an essential prerequisite for a transfer or revocation. 

To update your power of attorney, you must get the paperwork notarized in the same manner as you did the original power of attorney document. 

Register the document changing or canceling your power of attorney with any municipal agency or registrar you recorded the original. 

Notarizing your revocation will provide evidence for the court in the chance that an angry relative or friend challenges your power of attorney revocation. 

Step #5: Notify All Parties Involved

Finally, you should tell anybody with a reason to be aware of your power of attorney arrangement. 

Reach out to everyone who may routinely work with your power of attorney or who should be aware that this grant of authority has expired or altered. While this step is not legally required, it may save you time and confusion later on.

What Types of Tasks May I Delegate to My New Agent?

Two people signing documents

You may delegate authority to an agent to:

  1. Purchase or sell items on your behalf; 

  2. Apply for public benefits (such as Medicaid, Medicare, or Social Security); 

  3. Manage your company; 

  4. Collect debts; 

  5. Invest your money; 

  6. Cash checks; or 

  7. Litigate on your behalf.

In your new power of attorney paperwork, you must indicate what powers you are granting to your agent and when those powers will take effect.

While a lawyer may not be required to delegate tasks to an agent in a power of attorney document, it can be beneficial to involve a lawyer to ensure that the document is legally valid and that the powers being delegated are appropriate and in the best interest of the principal.

Is it Necessary to Specify Each Authority Granted?

For many purposes, broad wording granting an agent "full powers" to handle your financial affairs or make health care choices may suffice. 

However, certain abilities are only granted if they are clearly specified. 

Those that deserve special note are:

  • The authority to make gifts of money or other property; 

  • The authority to alter your community property agreement; and 

  • The authority to name beneficiaries on your insurance policies.

An agent cannot be granted certain capabilities. These are some examples:

  • The ability to vote in public elections; and 

  • The ability to establish or change a will.

Specifically approved powers may be particularly consequential for married couples who are worried about what would happen if one of their spouses got sick and required nursing home care or other long-term care. 

The ability to transfer property from the handicapped spouse to the healthy spouse may be required for Medicaid eligibility.

Giving an agent extensive authority to make gifts of your property, on the other hand, may result in major complications if the agent turns out to be untrustworthy or imprudent. 

You should consult with a lawyer if you have any questions concerning these matters.

When and for How Long Does My New Power of Attorney Last?

Lawyer at her desk

A power of attorney might be drafted to take effect immediately upon signing or to take effect later.

The future time may be an exact date, or it may be determined by the occurrence of an event, such as your doctor's determination that you are unable to make choices on your own.

A power of attorney may be drafted to continue for a certain amount of time or forever, but when you die, your power of attorney expires. It is not a replacement for your will. 

Although it may not be necessary to necessary to involve a lawyer to determine when and for how long a power of attorney lasts, an attorney can provide advice on the appropriate time for your power of attorney to take effect and how long it should last, taking into account your specific circumstances or considerations.

Related: How To Get Power of Attorney For A Deceased Person?

Modifying the Power of Attorney When the Principal is Unable to Do So

If the principal is incompetent and the agent is unavailable, abusing the principal, or has resigned, the family must ask the court to appoint a guardian or conservator. The court will next consider if the principal needs a guardian.

Guardianship may also be invoked if an agent has failed to act in the principal's best interests and you, as the principal's friend or family member, want to invalidate the POA. 

Although the principal may realize what is going on, their present agent may leave them powerless. If the court approves, be prepared to act as guardian or agent.

When the principal cannot change their power of attorney themselves, it may be necessary to involve a lawyer to ensure that the process is carried out legally and ethically. This is particularly important when there may be concerns about undue influence or coercion.

Protect your Power of Attorney Document

If you are creating your own power of attorney paperwork, it is a good idea to send copies of it and the updated revocation notice to family and friends. 

With Trustworthy, you can securely save the new document on the cloud and share it with your family to avoid future complications. 

Estate documents in Trustworthy

The more people are aware of your revocation and new power of attorney, the less likely it will be challenged in court.

Save your family time and money by ensuring they can access your new power of attorney. Start a free 14-day trial with Trustworthy today

Try Trustworthy today.

Try the Family Operating System® for yourself. You (and your family) will love it.

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Try Trustworthy today.

Try the Family Operating System® for yourself. You (and your family) will love it.

No credit card required.

Try Trustworthy today.

Try the Family Operating System® for yourself. You (and your family) will love it.

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maximize your estate planning with survivorship life insurance
maximize your estate planning with survivorship life insurance

Mar 27, 2024

Maximize Your Estate Planning with Survivorship Life Insurance

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va benefits timeline

Mar 23, 2024

VA Benefits Timeline: When They Stop After Death

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is estate planning a legitimate business expense
is estate planning a legitimate business expense

Mar 20, 2024

Is Estate Planning a Legitimate Business Expense: Unveiling The Truth

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does right of survivorship trump a will
does right of survivorship trump a will

Mar 15, 2024

Does Right of Survivorship Trump a Will: Legal Insights

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palliative care at home

Mar 13, 2024

Palliative Care at Home: Understanding Insurance Coverage

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navigating insurance coverage for hospice care

Mar 13, 2024

Navigating Insurance Coverage for Hospice Care A Complete Guide

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choosing an estate planning attorney
choosing an estate planning attorney

Mar 9, 2024

Choosing an Estate Planning Attorney: Traits of Excellence

can family overrule an advance directive
can family overrule an advance directive
can family overrule an advance directive

Mar 7, 2024

Can Family Overrule an Advance Directive? What You Need to Know

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funding hospice care in nursing homes
funding hospice care in nursing homes

Mar 7, 2024

Funding Hospice Care in Nursing Homes: Who Bears the Cost?

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who can legally witness an advance directive
who can legally witness an advance directive

Mar 5, 2024

Who Can Legally Witness an Advance Directive? Know Your Rights

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exploring hospice care
exploring hospice care

Mar 5, 2024

Exploring Hospice Care: What’s Not Included?

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respite care in hospice

Mar 5, 2024

Respite Care in Hospice: Providing Relief for Caregivers

different types of advance directives
different types of advance directives
different types of advance directives

Mar 5, 2024

Exploring the Spectrum: Different Types of Advance Directives

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deciding on hospice care
deciding on hospice care

Feb 28, 2024

Deciding on Hospice Care: Knowing When It's Time

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hospice care duration
hospice care duration

Feb 27, 2024

Hospice Care Duration: How Long Can It Last?

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hospice care timeline
hospice care timeline

Feb 27, 2024

Hospice Care Timeline: Estimating How Long to Live

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doctor-ordered hospice care
doctor-ordered hospice care

Feb 22, 2024

Doctor-Ordered Hospice Care: When and Why It Happens

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funeral planning timeline
funeral planning timeline

Feb 20, 2024

Funeral Planning Timeline: How Long Does it Really Take?

writing a heartfelt obituary for your husband
writing a heartfelt obituary for your husband
writing a heartfelt obituary for your husband

Feb 15, 2024

Writing a Heartfelt Obituary for Your Husband: Inspiring Examples

planning your funeral
planning your funeral
planning your funeral

Feb 14, 2024

Planning Your Funeral: The Best Age To Start

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crafting a loving obituary for your son
crafting a loving obituary for your son

Feb 14, 2024

Crafting a Loving Obituary For Your Son: Meaningful Examples

improving communication between caregivers and doctors
improving communication between caregivers and doctors
improving communication between caregivers and doctors

Jan 18, 2024

Improving Communication Between Caregivers and Doctors

copy of a death certificate
copy of a death certificate
copy of a death certificate

Nov 29, 2023

Can Anyone Get a Copy of a Death Certificate? Who Is Authorized?

original death certificate vs. certified copy
original death certificate vs. certified copy
original death certificate vs. certified copy

Nov 25, 2023

Original Death Certificate vs. Certified Copy: Key Differences And Why They Matter

handle negative aspects of the deceased's life in a eulogy
handle negative aspects of the deceased's life in a eulogy
handle negative aspects of the deceased's life in a eulogy

Nov 25, 2023

How Do You Handle Negative Aspects of the Deceased's Life in a Eulogy?

more then one eulogy at a funeral
more then one eulogy at a funeral
more then one eulogy at a funeral

Nov 25, 2023

Can There Be More Then One Eulogy at a Funeral? Etiquette Explained

parent retirement pension
parent retirement pension
parent retirement pension

Nov 24, 2023

My Dad Died, Can I Get His Retirement Pension?

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death certificate copies
death certificate copies

Nov 24, 2023

How Many Copies of a Death Certificate Should You Get?

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can a eulogy be funny
can a eulogy be funny

Nov 24, 2023

Can a Eulogy Be Funny? Yes, Here Are 10 Respectful but Funny Examples

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receive inheritance money without any issues
receive inheritance money without any issues

Nov 24, 2023

How Do You Receive Inheritance Money WITHOUT any issues?

tax refund of a deceased person
tax refund of a deceased person
tax refund of a deceased person

Nov 17, 2023

Who Gets The Tax Refund of A Deceased Person? An Accountant Answers

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how to start a eulogy
how to start a eulogy

Nov 17, 2023

How To Start a Eulogy: 15 Heartfelt Examples

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son talking to elder parents seriously
son talking to elder parents seriously

Nov 14, 2023

How To Discuss End-of-Life Care With Parents (Simple Guide)

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how to cancel a deceased person's subscriptions
how to cancel a deceased person's subscriptions

Nov 14, 2023

How To Cancel a Deceased Person's Subscriptions the EASY Way

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what should you not put in a eulogy
what should you not put in a eulogy

Nov 8, 2023

What Should You Not Put in a Eulogy (9 Things To Avoid)

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how are estates distributed if there's no will
how are estates distributed if there's no will

Nov 7, 2023

How Are Estates Distributed If There's No Will? A Lawyer Explains Intestate

microsoft word obituary template
microsoft word obituary template
microsoft word obituary template

Nov 6, 2023

Does Microsoft Word Have an Obituary Template?

how to post an obituary on facebook
how to post an obituary on facebook
how to post an obituary on facebook

Nov 6, 2023

How To Post an Obituary on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

death certificate for estate & probate process
death certificate for estate & probate process
death certificate for estate & probate process

Nov 6, 2023

Why Do You Need A Death Certificate For Estate & Probate Process?

correct errors on a death certificate
correct errors on a death certificate
correct errors on a death certificate

Nov 2, 2023

How Do I Correct Errors on a Death Certificate? And, How Long Does It Take?

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steps for writing a eulogy for mom
steps for writing a eulogy for mom

Nov 2, 2023

12 Steps For Writing a Eulogy For Mom

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steps for writing a eulogy for dad
steps for writing a eulogy for dad

Nov 2, 2023

12 Steps for Writing a Eulogy for Dad

who does the obituary when someone dies
who does the obituary when someone dies
who does the obituary when someone dies

Nov 1, 2023

Who Does The Obituary When Someone Dies?

Nov 1, 2023

How Late Is Too Late For An Obituary? 6 Steps To Take Today


Nov 1, 2023

How Much Does It Cost To Publish An Obituary? Breaking It Down

reasons you need an obituary
reasons you need an obituary
reasons you need an obituary

Nov 1, 2023

6 Reasons You Need an Obituary (Plus 6 Reasons You Don't)

where do you post an obituary
where do you post an obituary
where do you post an obituary

Oct 30, 2023

Where Do You Post an Obituary: A Step-By-Step Guide

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obituary vs death note
obituary vs death note

Oct 30, 2023

Obituary vs Death Note: What Are the Key Differences?

buying a house with elderly parent
buying a house with elderly parent
buying a house with elderly parent

Oct 5, 2023

Buying A House With Elderly Parent: 10 Things To Know

trapped caring for elderly parents
trapped caring for elderly parents
trapped caring for elderly parents

Sep 14, 2023

I'm Trapped Caring for Elderly Parents

401k and minors
401k and minors
401k and minors

Oct 5, 2023

401(k) and Minors: Can a Minor be a Beneficiary?


Sep 12, 2023

How to Self-Direct Your 401(k): Take Control of Your Retirement


Aug 3, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Decluttering and Simplifying Your Home as You Age

Aug 3, 2023

The Essential Guide to Preparing for Retirement

Estate Planning For Blended Families (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning For Blended Families (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning For Blended Families (Complete Guide)

Aug 3, 2023

Estate Planning For Blended Families (Complete Guide)

Estate Planning For Physicians (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning For Physicians (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning For Physicians (Complete Guide)

Aug 3, 2023

Estate Planning For Physicians (Complete Guide)

are you legally responsible for your elderly parents
are you legally responsible for your elderly parents
are you legally responsible for your elderly parents

Jul 14, 2023

Are You Legally Responsible For Your Elderly Parents?

Multi-generational family walking through a field
Multi-generational family walking through a field
Multi-generational family walking through a field

Jun 7, 2023

How To Travel With Elderly Parent: Here's How to Prepare

Retirement center
Retirement center
Retirement center

Jun 6, 2023

Checklist For Moving A Parent To Assisted Living

Elderly parents with son
Elderly parents with son
Elderly parents with son

Jun 6, 2023

How to Set Up A Trust For An Elderly Parent: 6 Easy Steps

Daughter helping her mom review paperwork
Daughter helping her mom review paperwork
Daughter helping her mom review paperwork

Jun 6, 2023

How To Stop Elderly Parents From Giving Money Away (9 Tips)

Elderly parents signing documents
Elderly parents signing documents
Elderly parents signing documents

Jun 6, 2023

Should Elderly Parents Sign Over Their House? Pros & Cons

A couple looking at their computer
A couple looking at their computer
A couple looking at their computer

May 17, 2023

Estate Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

Helping elderly parents - the complete guide
Helping elderly parents - the complete guide
Helping elderly parents - the complete guide

May 2, 2023

Helping Elderly Parents: The Complete Guide

Family seated on sofa having a discussion
Family seated on sofa having a discussion
Family seated on sofa having a discussion

May 1, 2023

Trustworthy guide: How to organize your digital information

Person signing a document
Person signing a document
Person signing a document

Apr 15, 2023

Can My Husband Make a Will Without My Knowledge?

Son on father's shoulders
Son on father's shoulders
Son on father's shoulders

Apr 15, 2023

What is a Last Will and Testament (also known as a Will)?

A couple looking at a document with a calculator
A couple looking at a document with a calculator
A couple looking at a document with a calculator

Apr 15, 2023

Can A Wife Sell Deceased Husband's Property (6 Rules)

Paper shredding
Paper shredding
Paper shredding

Apr 15, 2023

Should I Shred Documents Of A Deceased Person? (5 Tips)

Can I Change My Power of Attorney Without A Lawyer?
Can I Change My Power of Attorney Without A Lawyer?
Can I Change My Power of Attorney Without A Lawyer?

Apr 15, 2023

Can I Change My Power of Attorney Without A Lawyer?

Can You Have Two Power of Attorneys? (A Lawyer Answers)
Can You Have Two Power of Attorneys? (A Lawyer Answers)
Can You Have Two Power of Attorneys? (A Lawyer Answers)

Apr 15, 2023

Can You Have Two Power of Attorneys? (A Lawyer Answers)

Do Attorneys Keep Copies Of a Will? (4 Things To Know)
Do Attorneys Keep Copies Of a Will? (4 Things To Know)
Do Attorneys Keep Copies Of a Will? (4 Things To Know)

Apr 15, 2023

Do Attorneys Keep Copies Of a Will? (4 Things To Know)

Estate Planning for a Special Needs Child (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning for a Special Needs Child (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning for a Special Needs Child (Complete Guide)

Apr 15, 2023

Estate Planning for a Special Needs Child (Complete Guide)

Estate Planning For Childless Couples (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning For Childless Couples (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning For Childless Couples (Complete Guide)

Apr 15, 2023

Estate Planning For Childless Couples (Complete Guide)

Estate Planning For Elderly Parents
Estate Planning For Elderly Parents
Estate Planning For Elderly Parents

Apr 15, 2023

Estate Planning For Elderly Parents (Complete Guide)

Woman talking with an advisor in a house
Woman talking with an advisor in a house
Woman talking with an advisor in a house

Apr 15, 2023

Estate Planning For High Net Worth & Large Estates

Estate Planning For Irresponsible Children (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning For Irresponsible Children (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning For Irresponsible Children (Complete Guide)

Apr 15, 2023

Estate Planning For Irresponsible Children (Complete Guide)

How To Get Power of Attorney For Parent With Dementia?
How To Get Power of Attorney For Parent With Dementia?
How To Get Power of Attorney For Parent With Dementia?

Apr 15, 2023

How To Get Power of Attorney For Parent With Dementia?

I Lost My Power of Attorney Papers, Now What?
I Lost My Power of Attorney Papers, Now What?
I Lost My Power of Attorney Papers, Now What?

Apr 15, 2023

I Lost My Power of Attorney Papers, Now What?

White house
White house
White house

Apr 15, 2023

Is It Better To Sell or Rent An Inherited House? (Pros & Cons)

Is It Wrong To Move Away From Elderly Parents? My Advice
Is It Wrong To Move Away From Elderly Parents? My Advice
Is It Wrong To Move Away From Elderly Parents? My Advice

Apr 15, 2023

Is It Wrong To Move Away From Elderly Parents? My Advice

Moving An Elderly Parent Into Your Home: What To Know
Moving An Elderly Parent Into Your Home: What To Know
Moving An Elderly Parent Into Your Home: What To Know

Apr 15, 2023

Moving An Elderly Parent Into Your Home: What To Know

Moving An Elderly Parent to Another State: What To Know
Moving An Elderly Parent to Another State: What To Know
Moving An Elderly Parent to Another State: What To Know

Apr 15, 2023

Moving An Elderly Parent to Another State: What To Know

What If Witnesses To A Will Cannot Be Found? A Lawyer Answers
What If Witnesses To A Will Cannot Be Found? A Lawyer Answers
What If Witnesses To A Will Cannot Be Found? A Lawyer Answers

Apr 15, 2023

What If Witnesses To A Will Cannot Be Found? A Lawyer Answers

A couple reviewing documents and signing them
A couple reviewing documents and signing them
A couple reviewing documents and signing them

Apr 15, 2023

What To Bring To Estate Planning Meeting (Checklist)

A couple in a meeting with a professional
A couple in a meeting with a professional
A couple in a meeting with a professional

Apr 15, 2023

When Should You Get An Estate Plan? (According To A Lawyer)

Which Sibling Should Take Care of Elderly Parents?
Which Sibling Should Take Care of Elderly Parents?
Which Sibling Should Take Care of Elderly Parents?

Apr 15, 2023

Which Sibling Should Take Care of Elderly Parents?

Who Can Override A Power of Attorney? (A Lawyer Answers)
Who Can Override A Power of Attorney? (A Lawyer Answers)
Who Can Override A Power of Attorney? (A Lawyer Answers)

Apr 15, 2023

Who Can Override A Power of Attorney? (A Lawyer Answers)

Can Power of Attorney Sell Property Before Death?
Can Power of Attorney Sell Property Before Death?
Can Power of Attorney Sell Property Before Death?

Apr 15, 2023

Can Power of Attorney Sell Property Before Death?

Person at a coffee shop using their laptop with a credit card in hand
Person at a coffee shop using their laptop with a credit card in hand
Person at a coffee shop using their laptop with a credit card in hand

Apr 15, 2023

Can The Executor Of A Will Access Bank Accounts? (Yes, Here's How)

Elderly parents working with a professional
Elderly parents working with a professional
Elderly parents working with a professional

Apr 15, 2023

Complete List of Things To Do For Elderly Parents (Checklist)

Reviewing paperwork with lawyer
Reviewing paperwork with lawyer
Reviewing paperwork with lawyer

Apr 15, 2023

How To Get Power of Attorney For A Deceased Person?

Apr 15, 2023

How To Help Elderly Parents From A Distance? 7 Tips

Woman talking with her parents
Woman talking with her parents
Woman talking with her parents

Apr 15, 2023

Legal Documents For Elderly Parents: Checklist


Apr 15, 2023

Selling Elderly Parents Home: How To Do It + Mistakes To Avoid

Elderly woman who looks like she has a headache
Elderly woman who looks like she has a headache
Elderly woman who looks like she has a headache

Apr 15, 2023

What To Do When A Sibling Is Manipulating Elderly Parents

Two men reviewing paperwork
Two men reviewing paperwork
Two men reviewing paperwork

Apr 6, 2023

Can An Out of State Attorney Write My Will? (A Lawyer Answers)

People working at a computer, working on a stack of bills
People working at a computer, working on a stack of bills
People working at a computer, working on a stack of bills

Mar 15, 2023

Settling an Estate: A Step-by-Step Guide

Check on the table
Check on the table
Check on the table

Feb 10, 2023

My Deceased Husband Received A Check In The Mail (4 Steps To Take)

The Benefits of Working With an Experienced Estate Planning Attorney
The Benefits of Working With an Experienced Estate Planning Attorney
The Benefits of Working With an Experienced Estate Planning Attorney

Feb 7, 2023

The Benefits of Working With an Experienced Estate Planning Attorney

How To Track Elderly Parents' Phone (2 Options)
How To Track Elderly Parents' Phone (2 Options)
How To Track Elderly Parents' Phone (2 Options)

Feb 6, 2023

How To Track Elderly Parents' Phone (2 Options)

Someone filling out a social security benefits application form
Someone filling out a social security benefits application form
Someone filling out a social security benefits application form

Feb 1, 2023

Can You Collect Your Parents' Social Security When They Die?

Veteran Benefits book
Veteran Benefits book
Veteran Benefits book

Feb 1, 2023

How Do I Stop VA Benefits When Someone Dies (Simple Guide)

Person typing on a laptop with a credit card in hand
Person typing on a laptop with a credit card in hand
Person typing on a laptop with a credit card in hand

Feb 1, 2023

Can You Pay Money Into A Deceased Person's Bank Account?

Deleting A Facebook Account When Someone Dies (Step by Step)
Deleting A Facebook Account When Someone Dies (Step by Step)
Deleting A Facebook Account When Someone Dies (Step by Step)

Feb 1, 2023

Deleting A Facebook Account When Someone Dies (Step by Step)

Two people sitting across a desk speaking to each other with papers on desk.
Two people sitting across a desk speaking to each other with papers on desk.
Two people sitting across a desk speaking to each other with papers on desk.

Feb 1, 2023

Does The DMV Know When Someone Dies?


Feb 1, 2023

How To Find A Deceased Person's Lawyer (5 Ways)

How To Plan A Celebration Of Life (10 Steps With Examples)
How To Plan A Celebration Of Life (10 Steps With Examples)
How To Plan A Celebration Of Life (10 Steps With Examples)

Feb 1, 2023

How To Plan A Celebration Of Life (10 Steps With Examples)

How To Stop Mail Of A Deceased Person? A Simple Guide
How To Stop Mail Of A Deceased Person? A Simple Guide
How To Stop Mail Of A Deceased Person? A Simple Guide

Feb 1, 2023

How To Stop Mail Of A Deceased Person? A Simple Guide

Social security card, 1040 form
Social security card, 1040 form
Social security card, 1040 form

Feb 1, 2023

How to Stop Social Security Direct Deposit After Death


Feb 1, 2023

How To Transfer Firearms From A Deceased Person (3 Steps)

How To Write An Obituary (5 Steps With Examples)
How To Write An Obituary (5 Steps With Examples)
How To Write An Obituary (5 Steps With Examples)

Feb 1, 2023

How To Write An Obituary (5 Steps With Examples)

Unlock iPhone When Someone Dies (5 Things To Try)
Unlock iPhone When Someone Dies (5 Things To Try)
Unlock iPhone When Someone Dies (5 Things To Try)

Feb 1, 2023

Unlock iPhone When Someone Dies (5 Things To Try)

Close-up of a tire on silver car on a road
Close-up of a tire on silver car on a road
Close-up of a tire on silver car on a road

Feb 1, 2023

What Happens To A Leased Vehicle When Someone Dies?

Do Wills Expire? 6 Things To Know
Do Wills Expire? 6 Things To Know
Do Wills Expire? 6 Things To Know

Jan 31, 2023

Do Wills Expire? 6 Things To Know

Person typing on a laptop
Person typing on a laptop
Person typing on a laptop

Jan 31, 2023

How To Get Into a Deceased Person's Computer (Microsoft & Apple)

Fingerprint documentation
Fingerprint documentation
Fingerprint documentation

Jan 31, 2023

Why Do Funeral Homes Take Fingerprints of the Deceased?

Foreclosure in front of a home
Foreclosure in front of a home
Foreclosure in front of a home

Jan 31, 2023

What To Do If Your Deceased Parents' Home Is In Foreclosure

Questions To Ask An Estate Attorney After Death (Checklist)
Questions To Ask An Estate Attorney After Death (Checklist)
Questions To Ask An Estate Attorney After Death (Checklist)

Jan 31, 2023

Questions To Ask An Estate Attorney After Death (Checklist)

Woman looking stressed while holding a document at her computer
Woman looking stressed while holding a document at her computer
Woman looking stressed while holding a document at her computer

Jan 31, 2023

What Happens If a Deceased Individual Owes Taxes?

Elderly people talking with professional
Elderly people talking with professional
Elderly people talking with professional

Jan 31, 2023

Components of Estate Planning: 6 Things To Consider

What To Do If Insurance Check Is Made Out To A Deceased Person
What To Do If Insurance Check Is Made Out To A Deceased Person
What To Do If Insurance Check Is Made Out To A Deceased Person

Jan 22, 2023

What To Do If Insurance Check Is Made Out To A Deceased Person

Scattered photograph negatives
Scattered photograph negatives
Scattered photograph negatives

Jan 8, 2023

What Does a Typical Estate Plan Include?

Can I Do A Video Will? (Is It Legitimate & What To Consider)
Can I Do A Video Will? (Is It Legitimate & What To Consider)
Can I Do A Video Will? (Is It Legitimate & What To Consider)

Apr 15, 2022

Can I Do A Video Will? (Is It Legitimate & What To Consider)

Estate Planning For Green Card Holders (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning For Green Card Holders (Complete Guide)
Estate Planning For Green Card Holders (Complete Guide)

Apr 15, 2022

Estate Planning For Green Card Holders (Complete Guide)

Chair in a bedroom
Chair in a bedroom
Chair in a bedroom

Mar 2, 2022

What Does Your “Property” Mean?


Mar 2, 2022

What is the Uniform Trust Code? What is the Uniform Probate Code?

Female statue balancing scales
Female statue balancing scales
Female statue balancing scales

Mar 2, 2022

Do You Need to Avoid Probate?

Person signing document
Person signing document
Person signing document

Mar 2, 2022

How is a Trust Created?


Mar 2, 2022

What Are Advance Directives?

Couple standing on the beach
Couple standing on the beach
Couple standing on the beach

Mar 2, 2022

What does a Trustee Do?

Large house exterior
Large house exterior
Large house exterior

Mar 2, 2022

What is an Estate Plan? (And why you need one)


Mar 2, 2022

What is Probate?

United States Map
United States Map
United States Map

Mar 2, 2022

What Is Your Domicile & Why It Matters

Man organizing paperwork
Man organizing paperwork
Man organizing paperwork

Mar 2, 2022

What Is a Power of Attorney for Finances?

A baby and toddler lying on a bed
A baby and toddler lying on a bed
A baby and toddler lying on a bed

Mar 1, 2022

Should your family consider an umbrella insurance policy?

Woman typing on laptop on a table with tea, plant, notebooks
Woman typing on laptop on a table with tea, plant, notebooks
Woman typing on laptop on a table with tea, plant, notebooks

Mar 1, 2022

Do I need a digital power of attorney?

Person signing documents
Person signing documents
Person signing documents

Apr 6, 2020

What Exactly is a Trust?