How to Send Password Protected Documents


Nov 30, 2023

Trustworthy is an intelligent digital vault that protects and optimizes your family's information so that you can save time, money, and enjoy peace of mind.

How to Send Password Protected Documents


Nov 30, 2023

Trustworthy is an intelligent digital vault that protects and optimizes your family's information so that you can save time, money, and enjoy peace of mind.

How to Send Password Protected Documents


Nov 30, 2023

Trustworthy is an intelligent digital vault that protects and optimizes your family's information so that you can save time, money, and enjoy peace of mind.

How to Send Password Protected Documents


Nov 30, 2023

Trustworthy is an intelligent digital vault that protects and optimizes your family's information so that you can save time, money, and enjoy peace of mind.

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Trustworthy protects and optimizes important family information so you can save time, money, and enjoy peace of mind

The intelligent digital vault for families

Trustworthy protects and optimizes important family information so you can save time, money, and enjoy peace of mind

Using a password-protected document feature is essential to anyone who moves important files back and forth between recipients.

This guide explains the benefits of sending password-protected documents through different communication channels and lists the best services to take advantage of this feature.

Key Takeaways

  • Password-protected documents allow for extra layers of security when sending important documents to other recipients. 

  • Password-protected documents are sent to recipients through a variety of methods, including email, cloud storage, and other communication platforms like WhatsApp and Slack.

  • Being irresponsible can undo all your password protection efforts. Using strong passwords and storing them in a secure environment can further improve your data security measures.

How to Send a Password-Protected Document

send a password-protected document

Sharing a password-protected document with another person is as straightforward as sharing a normal document. Here are the most common ways people send password-protected files.


Sending a password-protected document through email is as simple or complicated as you make it. Simply put, the more security layers you have, the more processes are involved to get it sent.

To simplify things, the easiest way to send a password-protected document is to attach the file, send it to the person, and tell the person the password to access it. 

Don’t include the password to the file in the email! Communicate the password through another means to avoid potential security risks.

If you want to take it further, consider encrypting the whole email. Most service providers allow for emails to be encrypted. A person can only access them if they have the code to read them. It’s an explorable option if you want an extra layer of security.

Cloud Storage

Unlike emails, sharing password-protected documents through cloud storage services doesn’t offer as many additional options for extra security. However, it’s still a viable method to share password-protected files.

To use cloud service, upload the password-protected file to your chosen cloud service provider (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc).

Once it's there, click on the Share File button and add the recipient's email address. Tip: Always ensure the spelling is accurate when sharing important documents through email!

You will still need to share the password with the recipient for them to access the file. Remember to share the password through a safe and secure method to avoid a security breach of the file.

Secure Communications Channel

People can use many different communication channels for sharing information and password-protected documents.

Some examples of secure communication channels are WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal and Slack. They’re accessed through the web or an app.

If you want to use a communication channel app on your phone, you must be sure to download the password-protected file onto your device. 

Attach the file to the message and send it to the recipient. Inform the recipient of the password, ideally through another secure communications platform channel. Some platforms may allow you to encrypt the message in addition to the document if you want added security layers.

You may also want to explore other secure communication channels outside of apps. There are many, ranging from web-based platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom to specialized file transfer services like pCloud and Tresorit.

Why Use Password Protect Documents?

Password-protected documents are a security protocol in which the documents are encrypted behind a password lock. Documents with this feature cannot be viewed, accessed, or distributed unless the user enters the correct password.

This feature is useful for protecting documents containing sensitive information, such as financial records, legal documents and other personal information. 

There are many benefits to having this feature on certain documents. First, it greatly reduces the risk of identity theft. Often, when computers get compromised by a hacker, they’re after documents containing personal and sensitive information that can lead to forged identities.

Businesses especially benefit from using this feature, as they’re often the biggest target for cybercriminals. Password-protected documents are among the many cybersecurity protocols corporations use to keep documents such as trade secrets and intellectual properties safe from harm.

Overall, this feature is excellent for maintaining peace of mind, knowing extra layers of protection are in place.

Services for Creating a Password-Protected Document

services for creating a password-protected document

There are a variety of service providers for using password-protected documents, and each one provides password protection based on different types of document types. Each provider’s setup varies slightly from a new user’s perspective.

Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Adobe Acrobat is a popular service for creating password-protected PDF documents. The steps for creating PDF password-protected documents are relatively straightforward. 

The most basic way with Adobe Acrobat is to open the program and go to All tools > Protect PDF with a password. You should see a message prompt asking you to type and retype a password to confirm it. The password will need to be at least six characters long.

For best security, use a string password, which requires 10 or more charters and uses case-sensitive characters and symbols.

After creating a password, the PDF is now password-protected. You can apply additional restrictions, such as restricting editing and printing access if you see fit.

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

Microsoft documents, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, are very common since the majority of computers are running on Windows-based operating systems. Thankfully, using password protection on files is also straightforward.

To start on Windows, open up the program for the type of file you want to password-protect (Word for Word doc, Excel for Excel, etc). On the top left corner, click FIle > Info> Protect Document > Encrypt with Password.

For Mac users, open the program for the correct associated file type and click the Review Tab > Protect Document. A message prompt will open asking you to create a password and give you other restriction options available if you see fit.

Warning: If you lose or forget the password, there is no way to recover it. Be sure you write it down somewhere in case you lose it!

Google Suite (Docs, Sheets, Slides)

Despite being one of the most used search engines in the world, Google does not offer any password protection options. However, it’s still possible to password-protect the documents through other means.

The easiest way to password-protect a Google document is to download the document into a format like Word and Adobe Acrobat. Then, use their software to password-protect it.

To do this, simply open the Google document type, click File > Download, and select the document type that you wish to convert it into. After that, use the corresponding software to password-protect the document (Google Slides into PDF for Adobe Acrobat and Sheets into Excel, etc).

Apple Office (AppleNotes, Keynotes, Numbers)

Thankfully, Apple Office is more intuitive compared to Google. Apple Office files work very similarly to Microsoft’s Office programs. In addition, Apple lets you go a bit further by password-protecting documents stored in the cloud via iCloud.

For Apple documents, open the corresponding software pertaining to the file type (Apple Office for Pages documents, Apple Keynote for KEY files, etc). Click on Open to bring up the file you wish to password-protect, and then click on File > Set Password to bring up the prompt. 

If you want to password-protect a file from iCloud, start by logging into your iCloud account. From there, open or create a file you want to be protected. After that, click on the three-dot menu button next to the Share button. It will give you a list of options, including a “set password” function for the file.

Veracrypt (Open Source File Encryption)

If you prefer using password-protected documents from a third-party source, Veracrypt is a viable option, as it’s open source (meaning free), and it can password-protect any file type. Note that using Veracrypt takes additional steps and is not as straightforward as other services.

If you wish to use Veracrypt, you’ll need to download the software from the official website. It’s available for both Windows and Mac users. 

Once you download it, open the program and click Create Volume. (Note: Volume is a term that this program uses to define encrypted files or folders.) After that, click on “Create an encrypted file container,” and click Standard VeraCrypt volume. You will then be prompted with a button to select a file.

After locating the file you wish to protect, it will prompt you with Encryption options.Use the drop-down menu and find the AES algorithm if not selected by default for best encryption quality. Ensure you also set the Hash Algorithm to SHA-256 under the dropdown menu.

You will be asked to set the volume size (which is memory storage allocation). Click MB and set it to 100.

Finally, you will be prompted to set a password on the file. Create the password, then hit continue. On the last page, hit format. You now have a password-protected document.

Tips for Password Protected Documents

tips for password protected documents

Mistakes can happen when sending password-protected documents, which could lead to losing the file or having it wind up in the hands of someone else. Here are some tips to ensure your file is delivered safely and securely, away from threats.

Use Strong Passwords

When creating passwords, most people like to keep it simple, such as using their birthday, their name, or even just a simple pattern of numbers.

If you want to rest easier knowing your file is well protected, be more creative and think outside the box to create a stronger password.

The best passwords are usually the most annoying and don’t make much sense. For strong passwords, use random letters, numbers and symbols. Also, be sure to use case-sensitive lettering. You can use a password strength meter to analyze how long it will take to crack the password.

Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky, Kurt Baumgartner, advises:

“Use a different password for every online account. Password reuse may make it easier to remember passwords, but it also makes things far easier for criminals. Once they get their hands on the email and password you use for everything, they can essentially spray those credentials around the internet, in an automated fashion, to efficiently compromise as many accounts as possible.”

While these types of passwords are annoying due to not being easily recallable, they offer the best security. Be sure to write the password down somewhere safe and secure to be able to access your file.

Store Passwords in Secure Environments

A strong password doesn’t mean much if it’s not stored responsibly. Some people make the mistake of keeping their passwords in an obvious place with obvious names attached to them, which can be problematic if your device gets accessed by someone else.

To minimize the risk, consider reevaluating where your passwords are stored. If you write them down, keep the written document stored somewhere safe.

You can also use online services that specialize in strong private documents securely. Here at Trustworthy, we offer services to organize important files and documents and store them for later access, all through a clean and user-friendly interface.

Give the Password Through a Separate Channel

A mistake some people make is sharing the password through an unsecured communications channel. Channels such as basic phone text messaging are not secure because if your phone is stolen and accessed, the culprit can see all your messages sent.

The absolute best and safest method is not through a text-based platform. Giving the password to the recipient in person or through phone and video calls is the safest way as long as you speak in a private environment.

With that said, some text-based communication platforms are still viable. A tip when using them is to take advantage of multiple services and send fragmented information through these various channels. This makes it harder for thieves to track.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I share sensitive documents securely?

Due to the nature of sensitive documents, it’s best to share them in a private environment, in person with the recipient. If your only option is through online means, use secure communication platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom for the best security.

How do you send an attachment with password protection?

There are a few ways to send an attachment with password protection. One is to upload the file with protection already on it. The other is to encrypt the attachment from the email service. Each differs slightly in how to do it in terms of steps. Identify the email service you’re using and look up how to encrypt the attachment from there.

Is Dropbox secure for sending sensitive documents?

Yes, Dropbox is one of the safest cloud storage for encrypting files to be stored or sent to others. It has modern data encryption techniques ensuring maximum security for those who need it.

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